Mars 2023
Februari 2023
23 Mars 2023 - 02:27
Retropie macintosh roms
advmame - fixes for building on GCC 10+.
yquake2 - updated to v8.00 and added add-ons game source.
cgenius - updated to the latest stable version (Added Cosmos engine, GUI, sound and controller improvements).
scummvm - updated to 2.5.1, first release since the ResidualVM merge includes bug-fixes and new games.
xpadneo (Xbox One Bluetooth driver) - updated to v0.9.
Ability to use full screen paging with LB/RB.
Updated Arcade resource lists (used to hide MAME devices/bioses and to provide friendly names for zip archives).
Improvements to text wrapping for CJK glyphs.
Support for new scripting events - switching systems/selecting games/screensaver videos and image switching/etc.
Added a cache for stat checks (performance).
Added a progress bar during loading + threaded loading for systems (threaded loading is disabled by default currently).
Pixel positioning/sizing support for themes.
Fixes for event handling so startup events are cleared.
Better Random: Perfect shuffle of systems, games and screensaver items.
Updates to many libretro cores - in depth details about libretro changes can be found on their site.
Improvement to RetroPie package management and updating.
Improved joystick support in RetroPie-Setup dialogs.
On screen keyboard for entering WiFi password in RetroPie-Setup.
Om Mig: